Eyewitness Identification
Eyewitness IdentifIcAtion Task Force
Eyewitness misidentification is the single greatest cause of wrongful convictions nationwide, playing a role in 72% of convictions overturned through DNA testing. Under the leadership of the late Justice David M. Borden, the Task Force has produced nationally-recognized policy and programming reforms. Since 2011, The Center has had the privilege of staffing Connecticut’s Eyewitness Identification Task Force.
In June of 2016, under the leadership of the late Justice David M. Borden, The Justice Education Center coordinated the first National Symposium on Eyewitness Identification Reform on behalf of the Task Force. The Symposium was held at the Yale School of Law in concert with the School of Law’s Criminal Justice Clinic and national Innocence Project.
Policymakers and leaders from 23 states representing the judiciary, law enforcement, prosecution and the defense bar attended the Symposium. At its conclusion, the majority of attendees spoke of their strong commitment to developing reforms in their jurisdictions.
Now titled the Task Force on Eyewitness Identification and Emerging Technologies, its mandate has been expanded. In addition to continued data collection, research and review of Connecticut’s current eyewitness identification procedures, areas such as the legal issues with technology usage, personal privacy, the science of facial recognition software and the challenges of using and storing digital information will be examined.
Eyewitness Identification Symposium Eyewitness Identification Enactment Eyewitness Identification Overview Criminal Justice Revisions